Rita once said “You’re never best friends unless one of you is happily married and the other has a terrible dating life”. I seem to agree with her because, Joy, my best friend is happily married with two children
I mean the type of marriage that will send chills to your spinal cord. One could mistake them for siblings because of how fond they are of themselves
Well, my bestie has tried all her best in hooking me up with men. None has worked out yet. The last one was too short.
I mean, I am short too. How would we look going on a date together? Like, “Aki and Pawpaw”?🤣
Just this morning, a guy called and introduced himself as Nonso. He had further mentioned someone gave him my phone number.
You should already know who did🙄
His baritone voice got my legs shaking. Like, if he sounds like this, how then would his handsomeness be? I had already imagined my wedding gown and the number of kids my husband, Nonso and I would have.😛
Not long, my roommate, Anita caught me smiling while looking through pictures on my phone.
As a sharp girl and to tame my curiosity, I had asked Joy for his Social media names so I can check out his pictures.
I won’t lie, guy is fine. Chai!
“Is this not Nonso?” Anita asked. Oh Lord! “He’s the one na, two people can’t have this much of resemblance. Nonso the”BrownEeeww”, she added
Apparently, Nonso is her colleague. They’re both lawyers and they had nicknamed him “brownEeeww” because of his brown set of teeth and the bad breath.
Ah! I can manage a short guy or even one that is not handsome. But to go on a date with someone that has mouth odor is a No
I was really fuming when Nonso called. I wasn’t interested anymore but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. I played along and agreed to see him
We finally met and he was everything I saw on his social media page and more. Handsome, well built and articulated.
I was careful enough to not face him when he spoke so I can live to tell the story.
Something didn’t match up with the story Arit told. He had a whitish and beautiful set of teeth. Abi, did a miracle happen?
After everything, He hugged me goodbye and I couldn’t let go because of the fresh breath.
It was so fresh that I suspected he used perfume in his mouth to cover up the story Anita told me of. I mean, he had mentioned that he had a long day and came straight from work for the date. What toothpaste lasts that long to still keep his breath as fresh as his?
I immediately called Joy to tell her about the experience when I got back home.
Well, his last four relationships failed because of his “BrownEeeww” and Joy had helped buy TOPKLEEN HERBAL DENTAL CARE three days ago to sanitize and prepare him for my homecoming. 😂
Well, I wouldn’t have believed a natural anti bacterial mouth wash could do the miracle within three days of use if I didn’t have a firsthand experience
We’ll be going on a comedy show date on Monday and I’m glad I wouldn’t have to have him hold his laughter because of his breath!